Ms. Lafferty's Educational Philosophies

I believe that children are our future...

No matter the student, every student can and will change and shape our world in some way. As an educator, it is my job to help students see their potential. Potential may not be in science, but my soul purpose is not this. As an educator, I will help students discover who they are. Everyone has strength, weaknesses, options, and ideas. I will provide students with a safe space and the opportunity to develop these ideas. Life is full of potential and so are the young minds I will help shape. It is my job to help students see the world and all its potential.

Through inquiry science students form a better understanding of self and world…

At a very young age, children question the world around them. They can learn from these questions. As students grow and progress in education, we often present them with facts and they stop questioning. It is my belief that questioning should continue, especially in science! Inquiry-based science involves students exploring possible solutions, developing their own explanations for the phenomena under investigation, elaborate on concepts and processes, and evaluating their understandings with available evidence. Students become engaged in the material with the assistance of an instructor. Science is questions. Science is trying to find an answer. Science is not facts or rote memorization. Engaged students, students asking questions will be able to think about concepts in ways that provide a deeper understanding. Inquiry based science will help students develop critical thinking skill they can take with them, not just in science but in the real world.

We must find a way to balance technology with education…

Technology has become a large part of our world, and thus a large part of education. Technology is a great tool…when used correctly! Technology occupies a large importance in student’s lives and we can reach them in new ways with the use of technology. Technology, when used to enhance student learning, can make lessons as well as classrooms engaging.